

The Ovum series is a natural extension of sister pieces Xylem and Phloem, mystical forests constructed by millions of nude bodies. Originally conceived as a smaller work moving from trees to branches and twigs, Ovum’s interweaving of individual bodies became a near obsession in precision and meticulous manipulation culminating in the use of over 2 million bodies. A mesmerizing work of art that required full use of the massive archive of bodies the Angelo Musco studio has built over the past years from individual photo shoots in-studio and massive group photo shoots of volunteer models. This poetic and whimsical video provides a window into the painstaking precision necessary to blend the classic human nude and present it in an ever expanding celebration of Musco’s surreal vision of nature, and the cycle of life. Viewers can lose themselves in a moment of insanity as tens of thousands of interconnecting chains, masses and individual nude bodies culminate in a harmonious blend of an artistic vision and natural wonder.

Meaning: egg

Digital C-Print, mounted between Alumium and Plexi-Glass

Size: 72” x 72”’